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AXA Furniture In Storage
AXA Furniture In Storage
Even if everyone in the world stopped producing C02 today, we would still need decades of drawing down all the greenhouse gases we’ve collectively emitted over the last 200 years to avoid ecological collapse.
WORKHORSE LEGACY understand that to make a difference tomorrow, we first have to act on today. It is with this in mind that we are delighted to announce that we have committed to the Million Tree Pledge.
Global environmental organisation, Ecologi, created the Million Tree Pledge so businesses can take real action on the climate crisis to do something remarkable in response to the climate emergency.
It’s not enough to just draw down our own carbon footprints - we need to go far beyond to have the best chance of reversing climate change. Each of us have taken the pledge, and are committed to finding thousands of other people to do the same.
“To make a difference tomorrow, we first have to act on today”
By coming together in this time of need, and supporting one another other as businesses to plant over 1 million trees each, we strive to be ‘good ancestors’ to the billions of unborn generations whose future we hold in our hands.
We understand that we are at the start of the journey with so much within the business that can still be addressed, but we are excited to be taking these steps in the right direction.
‘Talk is cheap, action wins the day.’
It is estimated humanity has cut down over 3 trillion trees (almost 50% of the world's total), with a current rate of 15 billion a year being lost. We need to put these back and embark on mass reforestation and rewilding.
We want to help create a world where hundreds of thousands of businesses and individuals pledge to plant 1 million trees each over the coming decades - drawing down millions of tonnes of C02, slowing down climate change and restoring biodiversity to deforested areas globally.
While planting trees in the right places can't solve climate change alone, it can buy us time and play a big part in creating a habitable planet. It needs to become the norm for all of us.